Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Getting the speakers to work on the new laptop

So I got a new laptop - an HP Pavilion tx 2000.
It dual boots Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04

As with many other people, while basic functionality is there, most of the special buttons don't do what they are meant to.

I'll come back to that as I get round to fixing it (I'm fairly certain that most issues can be resolved with a bit of googling).

Wireless - needed to use ndiswrapper. Much better wireless speeds than my old laptop.

Speakers - while sound worked fairly well through the computer's built-in speakers, I have a rather nice set of speakers that need to be plugged into the headphone socket. This link put me on the right track, but had the wrong (presumably out of date for this version of Ubuntu) file to edit.

For my system editing sound options in /ect/modprobe.d/alsa-base was unsuccessful, since this created a new file.

Instead use this link where the file to amend is correctly given as /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

My sound chipset is ALC861VD and the option I ended up using was the hp one.

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