Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Upgrade from Karmic to Lucid

Fairly painless upgrade. Basically it all just worked, including wireless settings. Very impressive.

First problem - Mozilla Sunbird was classed as obsolete and removed. This meant I had no access to my todo list. On the other hand, when I installed Lightning into Thunderbird, it found the todo list I had lost access to last month on the last upgrade when Lightning was made incompatible with the version of Thunderbird I had. I store calendars online using Google, but there doesn't seem to be a todo list option there so the list has to be stored locally.

Solution - download Sunbird from the Mozilla website.
- this picked up my previous profile
- export the calendar with the todo list embedded
- open lightning and import the .ics file, into the offline calendar.

Future proof - export Lightning profile when backing up.